We play!
We Play!
A life full of laughs, is a life well lived.
While our community-based trips and experiences offer many learning and skill building opportunities, we are also always looking for the lighter side of things and ways to make the day fun. In that, we help create an environment that supports integration and inclusiveness.
Whether it be fishing, video gaming, movie-watching, hiking, sport playing, dog petting, kite flying, guitar picking, donut munching, story reading, or any number of other fun things, we strive to bring out the beauty in everyday activities.
That vehicle you passed, full of singing and clapping people, just might be from lifempowered.
The people in homes have opportunity to entertain, or be entertained, as they choose. Important holidays and birthdays are always an excuse for a celebration – and celebrate we do! Sports events, faith activities and dances are often favorites. Individual vacations are always a treat!
We listen to what people wish to do in a person centered way. Local, or more distant, we strive to find activities and events that appeal to people and support them to get there.
We enjoy being participants in our community as we interact with our friends, families and neighbors. Our parade entries and other local events are all opportunities to become familiar to everyone in our area.
In turn, the support staff, also reap the benefits, as we share life’s enjoyment together.